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- 📝 GPTZero Series A
📝 GPTZero Series A
News of the Day
GPTZero, an AI startup founded by Edward Tian and Alex Cui, has achieved profitability within 18 months, generating millions in revenue. Specializing in detecting AI-generated content, the company recently secured a $10 million preemptive Series A round led by Footwork's Nikhil Basu Trivedi. Since its launch in January 2023, GPTZero has grown its user base from 1 million to 4 million, with a 500% increase in annual recurring revenue. The company stands out for its accuracy in AI detection, backed by proprietary data and advanced language models, and serves a diverse customer base including educators, government agencies, and AI training data labelers. With a valuation around $50 million pre-money, GPTZero aims to create an accountable internet by developing AI hallucination detection technology.
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Current advice is raise only what you need in a seed round.
But the data is pretty clear that companies that raised a small seed (here defined as anything $2M or less) graduated to Series A far less often.
Grad rates here are percent that got to A within 2 years so doesn't… x.com/i/web/status/1…
— Peter Walker (@PeterJ_Walker)
4:06 PM • Jun 12, 2024
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