📝 Therapeutic Pets for Elderly

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News of the Day

In the early 1990s, a Japanese researcher developed Paro, a therapeutic robot for older adults, highlighting Japan's leadership in age tech due to its aging population. With 29% of its citizens over 65, Japan has used robots to supplement care and combat loneliness. The U.S., where 18% of the population is over 65, is also aging but has been slower to adopt such technologies. Since 2018, New York's Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) has distributed over 31,500 robot pets to older adults to address loneliness, inspired by an idea from Acting Director Greg Olsen’s daughter. Produced by Ageless Innovations, these robotic pets—including dogs, cats, and the Walker Squawker bird—provide companionship and encourage mobility. Studies show that pet ownership reduces loneliness, and while robotic pets offer similar benefits, they are most effective when combined with human interaction. NYSOFA also partners with Intuition Robotics' ElliQ and other tech solutions to support older adults, demonstrating the program's success through numerous heartfelt stories.

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